Building Permits & Inspections
The Building Permits and Inspections Department will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and accountable manner. They are responsible for permitting all construction and conducting inspections of all construction-related permits as well as issuance of Certificates of Occupancy, Fire Prevention, and Special Events.
The Building Permits and Inspections Department is responsible for:
- Conducting building construction inspections
- Issuing building permits
- Issuing certificate of occupancy permits
- Reviewing building plans
- Working directly with the Planning and Zoning Commission
To obtain a permit for both residential and commercial uses, simply download the forms below (if available) or give us a call and we will be happy to provide you with the necessary forms.
S 153.01 Adoption of Codes.
That certain documents, known as, the 2015 International Building Code; 2015
International Residential Code; 2015 International Mechanical Code; National Electrical
Code, 2014 Edition of the National Fire Protection Association; 2015 International
Property Maintenance Code; 2015 Fire Code; the Plumbing Code of the State of Illinois
Department of Public Health and the 2015 Illinois Energy Conservation Code, be and
are hereby adopted by reference as the applicable minimum standards covering
construction of commercial, industrial and dwelling structures within the Village of Mt.
Zion, Illinois, together with all the regulations, provisions and terms contained therein,
except where superseded by State Law or Local Ordinances amending the Building
The above does not negate any other statutorily authorized code or regulation
administered by State agencies. This includes, but is not limited to, the Illinois
Environmental Barriers Act, the Illinois Accessibility Code, and administrative rules
adopted by the Office of the State Fire Marshall (including the NFPA Life Safety Code).
(Ordinance 2015-2016-3; Ordinance 2019-4, passed 1/21/2019)
Related Documents
- Building Permits and Related Applications
- Building Permit Application
- Inspection Guidelines 2024
- Sign Permit Application
- Parking Lots, Excavation, Demolition Permit Application
- Land Disturbance Permit
- Land Use Petition
- Land Use Petition - Informational Packet
- Major and Minor Subdivision Application
- Annexation Application - Occupied
- Annexation Application - Unoccupied
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the process for getting a building permit?
Take a moment to read all required information provided. Then print and fill out the building permit application form and return to Village Hall. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to give us a call or send us an EMAIL. We will be happy to help you.
Do I need a building permit for an above ground pool?
Yes. All above-ground swimming pools require a building permit and electrical permit. Click HERE for a list of all of the requirements the State of Illinois requires if you wish to install a pool.
What happens if I don't get a building permit when required?
If a building permit is required and not issued before your project begins, a stop work order is issued and permits are required to be issued with all permit fees doubled.