Village Treasurer
The Village Treasurer of Mt. Zion is a Department Head level position appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Village Board. The Village Treasurer performs many duties vital to the daily operations of Village Hall. Below are just a few of the responsibilities of Village Treasurer:
- Prepares payroll and files appropriate payroll reports
- Keeps all financial records
- Prepares monthly financial statements, and statements of bills/warrants
- Maintains Village records
- Is responsible for investing all idle Village funds pursuant to the authority in the Illinois Compiled Satutes and approved by the Village Administrator
- Annually prepare and file with the Village Clerk an account of all money received and expenditures incurred during the preceding fiscal year
- Annually files with the County Collector of Taxes a copy of the annual accounting
- At each monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees render an account under oath showing the state of the Treasury at the date of the accounting and the balance of money in the Treasury
Contact Info
Corey McKenzie
Village Treasurer
1400 Mt. Zion Parkway
(217) 864-5424
[email protected]