Freedom of Information Act

Freedom of Information Act provides a mechanism for citizens to inspect or copy governmental records. It also provides for instances in which governmental bodies may elect to, or are required by law to, withhold government records from the public.  The Village of Mt. Zion supports a transparency within our local government.


Submitting a FOIA Request

Any person, business, or organization requesting records from the Village of Mt. Zion under the Freedom of Information Act shall make a request by completing a FOIA Request form, or any other written form and presenting it to:

Village of Mt. Zion

1400 Mt. Zion Parkway

Mt. Zion, IL  62549

Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by fax 217-864-5935 or by email to any Village employee.


Fee Requirements

Pursuant to 5 ILCS 140/6, "agencies may charge fees that are reasonably calculated to reimburse its actual cost for reproducing and certifying public records". First 50 pages are free. For more than 50 pages, the fee is $0.15 per page and must be paid in full before the information is released. The charge to a requestor for copies of any abnormal size documents or abnormal document format is the actual cost to produce that document.

Contact Info

Dawn Reynolds
Village Clerk
1400 Mt. Zion Parkway
[email protected]