Support Appreciation

Splash Pad Donor Board
Thank you to everyone who generously donated to help us reach our goal! In 2019, the Village of Mt. Zion was awarded an OSLAD (Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development) Grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to construct a Splash Pad at Fletcher Park! The grant award of $374,200 required at 50% match, to cover the total cost of the project: $748,400.
With help from many incredible community members, we were able to see this project come to life. We want to thank you for helping us reach our goal and provide a new destination for area children of all ages!
We couldn't accomplish much without help from supporters like you! If you are interested in giving to the Parks & Recreation Department and Fletcher Park for future developments, no donation amount is too small! We appreciate every bit of help.
You can donate directly through the Village, or our Fletcher Park Fund at The Community Foundation of Macon County, where generous people are working every day to help make our visions a reality! All donations are tax-deductible.
Let's CREATE more than just A SPLASH at Fletcher Park!