Street Lighting

Street Light Repairs
To report a street light in need of repair, you may call Ameren at 1-800-755-5000. If the repairs have not been made after three days, please call the Mt. Zion Police Department at (217) 864-4012 or Village Hall at (217) 864-5424.
If you have Shelby Electric Co-Op power (i.e.: Silver Leaf Addition, Traughber Rd., Sulfur Springs Rd., Kraft Rd.) and have a street light in need of repair, you may need to call Shelby Electric Co-Op at 800-677-2612. You can also download the SmartHub app to report outages. Click HERE for more information.
Contact Info
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Shelby Electric Cooperative
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Frequently Asked Questions
If I have a street light out, who do I contact?
Ameren is responsible for repairing street lights for a majority of the Village of Mt. Zion. You can request a repair by calling Ameren at 1-800-755-5000. If the request has not been addressed after three (3) days, please call the Mt. Zion Police Department at 864-4012 or Village Hall at 864-5424. For residents that have Shelby Electric Co-op for their home's power, it is likely that street light near your home is also serviced by Shelby Electric Co-op. Please call 800-677-2612 or download the SmartHub app from their website. Click HERE for more information.