To serve you better, we've assembled a list of our residents' most frequently asked questions. If you don't find your answer here, feel free to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Parks & Recreation Commission
When does the Parks & Recreation Commisson meet?
The Mt. Zion Parks & Recreation Commisson meets the 4th Tuesday of every other month: January, March, May, July, September, and November at Village Hall, 1400 Mt. Zion Parkway, Mt. Zion, IL 62549 at 5:15 pm.
Village Hall
What are Village Hall's business hours?
Village Hall is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 am - 4 pm.
Village Clerk
Does Mt. Zion require a raffle license?
Yes. Raffle License applications are available on our website as well as at the Village Hall. A one time raffle license fee of $30.00 is required per raffle. If more than one raffle will be conducted on the same day, the fee is $120.00
Where should Foreclosure Notices and Orders be sent?
Foreclosure notices and orders should be sent to Village of Mt. Zion, 1400 Mt. Zion Parkway, Mt. Zion, IL 62549.
May I burn trash and leaves inside the village limits?
Burning of landscape waste is allowed in the Village of Mt. Zion as long as it is not a nuisance to your neighbors. Please review Chapter 98 of the Code of Ordinances for more information.
Who do I call about animal related complaints or issues?
The Mt. Zion Police Department is responsible for enforcement of the Animal Control Ordinances. Please contact them at (217) 864-4012 for all animal related issues.
Annual Budget
What is the Village of Mt. Zion's fiscal year?
The fiscal year for the Village of Mt. Zion is January 1st - December 31st.
Financial Reports/Audits
How often does the Village of Mt. Zion get audited?
State statute requires each government entity in Illinois to be audited annually and make available the report to the public.
Application Process
I am interested in applying for a job with the Village of Mt. Zion, what do I do?
You will need to fill out the above employment application. Please ensure you meet the qualifications for the position you wish to be considered for. If you would like to include a resume, simply attach it to the completed application. You may mail or drop off the application at Village Hall. Interviews will be scheduled accordingly.
Does the Village of Mt. Zion hire part time employees?
Yes, we do hire part time employees. Availability of these positions will be posted HERE when available.
Mayor & Trustees
When are elections for Mayor and Village Trustee?
Elections are every two years in April. For information regarding the next election cycle, please contact the Village Clerk.
Village Board Meetings
When does the Village Board meet?
The Village Board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month unless it is a holiday and then the meeting is the following day. For a list of meeting dates or information about meetings, please call the office at 864-5424 or click HERE.
Building Permits & Inspections
What is the process for getting a building permit?
Take a moment to read all required information provided. Then print and fill out the building permit application form and return to Village Hall. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to give us a call or send us an EMAIL. We will be happy to help you.
Do I need a building permit for an above ground pool?
Yes. All above-ground swimming pools require a building permit and electrical permit. Click HERE for a list of all of the requirements the State of Illinois requires if you wish to install a pool.
What happens if I don't get a building permit when required?
If a building permit is required and not issued before your project begins, a stop work order is issued and permits are required to be issued with all permit fees doubled.
Public Works
How do I report a pothole?
You can report a pothole one of two ways:
1. Call the Mt. Zion Public Works Department at: 217-864-4811
2. Send an email HERE, making sure to select the "Report a Pothole" option under the "Department to Contact" drop down.
Street Lighting
If I have a street light out, who do I contact?
Ameren is responsible for repairing street lights for a majority of the Village of Mt. Zion. You can request a repair by calling Ameren at 1-800-755-5000. If the request has not been addressed after three (3) days, please call the Mt. Zion Police Department at 864-4012 or Village Hall at 864-5424. For residents that have Shelby Electric Co-op for their home's power, it is likely that street light near your home is also serviced by Shelby Electric Co-op. Please call 800-677-2612 or download the SmartHub app from their website. Click HERE for more information.
NPDES MS4 Permit
Do I need a Land Disturbance Permit?
There are two factors that determine whether you will need to obtain a Land Disturance Permit:
1) Are you disturbing one (1) or more acres of land?
2) Are you building a new home or business?
If you answered yes to either question above, then you will need to obtain a Land Disturbance Permit from the Village of Mt. Zion.
How do I obtain a Land Disturbance Permit?
A Land Disturbance Permit can be obtained through the building permit application process.
Police Department
Is burning of yard waste allowed in Mt. Zion?
Open burning is prohibited in within the village limits. However, burning of landscape waste is allowed under the following conditions:
- Between the hours of 9am and sunset
- There is sufficient air movement to dissipate smoke, but not when winds are of a high velocity.
- Landscape waste must be dry enough to allow an open flame.
- Landscape waste must be burned on the property it was generated.
- When burning or smoke does not create a hazard, annoyance, or discomfort to neighbors.
- Burning must be constantly attended by a competent and responsible person.
- When burning does not create a hazard or obstruct visibility on sidewalks or roadways.
- Crop residue must be burned more than 1000 feet from residential or populated areas.
For further questions please contact the Mt. Zion Police Department at (217)864 4012 and speak with one of our officers, or refer to Chapter 98: Open Burning in the Code of Ordinances.
Is it a violatioin to park a boat or other trailer in front of my house?
When trailers and RVs are parked in the street it is often a safety hazard. Trailers parked on the street can obstruct a lane or cause visibility problems. It is a violation of Village Ordinance 70.12 to park a "watercraft, recreational vehicle, or trailer" on any public street for over 24 hours.
What can I do about raccoons or opossums that have become a nuisance on my property?
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) recommends hiring a licensed trapper to remove nuisance wildlife from their property. Property owners who wish to remove the animal themselves should contact the IDNR to see if they qualify for a Nusinance Animal Removal Permit. The Village of Mt. Zion does not employ a licensed trapper. http://web.extension.illinois.edu/wildlife/files/controlling_nuisance_mammals.pdf
Park Facilities
What is the length of the Mt. Zion Trail?
The Mt. Zion Trail is 2.71 miles and extends from the east to the west side of the Village of Mt. Zion.
Is Goodwin Park pavilion available for rent?
The Goodwin Park pavilion can not be reserved but may be used for gatherings on a first-come, first-serve basis.
How do I report any damage or concerns regarding any park facility?
Please contact Tiffany at 217-864-5424 or email [email protected]
After 4:00 p.m. please contact the Mt. Zion Police Deparment at 217-864-4012.
Fletcher Park
How do I reserve a pavilion at Fletcher Park?
Please call Village Hall at (217)864-5424 to inquire about available dates and the steps to reserve a facility.
Is alcohol allowed in Fletcher Park?
The use of alcohol is not allowed on any public property, so it is not allowed in the Village's parks unless a permit has been obtained through Village Hall.
Can I still use the park if the facilities are rented?
Fletcher Park is a public facility and may be used by the public at anytime. Please be courteous to any group that is having an event at the park.
Who do I contact if I view someone damaging the park or its equipment?
Please call the Mt. Zion Police Deparmtment immediately at 864-4012. If you notice damage has been done at the park contact 864-5424.
Municipal Aggregation Program
How do I enroll?
The Municipal Aggregation Program is an "opt-out" program, meaning you will be automatically enrolled.
How much money will I save by participating?
Based on the average user (1,000 kWh/month), the total annual savings would be $351.16 over the Ameren default rate.
Why does the municipality negotiate prices on our behalf?
In 2012, the Village of Mt. Zion put a question on the ballot that stated: "Shall the Municipality have the authority to arrange for the supply of electricity for its residential and small commerical retail customers who have not opted out of such program?". The majority of the community passed the referendum, allowing the Municipal leaders to request prices for electriciy supply.
Can I still use budget billing?
Yes. You will still recieve a bill from Ameren like in the past and able to make payments based on any arrangement you had before.
Has the Municipal Aggregation worked?
Yes! Over the last 10 years, the municipal aggregation has saved our residents 12.7%.
Can I go back to Ameren?
Yes, you can reject the municipal aggregation program through the letters sent to you by the new provider (60, 30, and 10 days before the contract begins). If you decide to opt out of the program, you cannot come back in for 12 months. There is no penalty to reject participation in the program.
I had someone approach me at my home (door-to-door sales agent), can I use them instead?
If an outside market offers you a plan individually, you can take their plan. Under Illinois law, they cannot lock you into a term. All contracts are month-to-month from your typical door-to-door sales agent. We caution you to make sure the rate they present is the full rate. We have seen situations where there are hidden, fixed fees that make the overall price much higher than the aggregations rate. If you choose to go with a different provider, you cannot return to the aggregation for 12 months.
Sanitation & Recycling
Can I chose my own residential garbage hauler?
No, the Village of Mt. Zion has an exclusive franchise agreement with Waste Management through December 31, 2026.
How much is residential refuse, recycling and yard waste service?
January 1, 2024 - $23.64 per month
January 1, 2025 - $28.65 per month
January 1, 2026 - $30.10 per month
Waste Management bills all customers quarterly (one every three months).
How do I dispose of large bulky items?
Effective January 1, 2025, residents needing to dispose of large bulky items such as appliances, chairs, couches, etc. must contact Waste Management either by phone or through their customer web portal. Waste Management will provide scheduled bulky waste pickup to all residential cart-based service recipients up to six (6) times each calendar year, one (1) item per collection, at no additional charge. Additional pick ups or additional items are subject to an additional fee as set forth below. Bulky waste items must be properly prepared and placed by the service recipient at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on the collection day.
When are the garbage collection days for my street?
Service is once weekly on Thursdays for all residents of the Village of Mt. Zion. Remember, observed holidays will alter the normal routine and pick up will be the next day on Friday.
Does Waste Management pick-up on holidays?
No, Waste Management does not pick up trash/recycling/yard waste on holidays in Mt. Zion. All pick-ups are pushed back one day the rest of the week. The following is Waste Management observed holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Questions regarding your service or schedule should be directed to Waste Management at 1-800-796-9696.
How is Yard Waste picked up by Waste Management?
Waste Management will pick up yard waste seasonally (April 1-November 30) at the curb on Thursdays along with garbage and recycling. Yard waste must be stacked neatly and tied in small bundles, placed in brown yard waste bags, or placed in an approved cart (96-gallon) obtained from Waste Management for a monthly fee. Yard waste not stacked and tied in small bundles, in an approved container or bags will not be picked up.
Curbside Recycling Program
How do I get a recycle cart?
To have a reycling cart delivered to your residence, contact Waste Management and request a recycle cart. A recycling cart is no additional charge.
Water Utilities
How could I have used this much water?
You could possibly have a leaky toilet or faucet that's difficult to detect. Just call the office and we'll work with you to solve the problem.
My bill is past due can I get an extension?
Please contact our office for payment arrangements before the due date.
What do I do if I am experiencing low pressure?
Check your meter and the surrounding area for possible leaks. Next, call our office and report low pressure for your area.
Why do I have a previous balance when I know I sent in my payment?
We may have received payment after the due date or we may not have received it at all. Call our office and we will help you solve the problem.
Why is my water discolored?
A repair could have been completed recently allowing air to enter the line, causing the discoloration.
What can I do/not do while under a boil order?
Boil orders happen from time-to-time for Mt. Zion water customers. If a boil order is put in place, the Village of Mt. Zion will personally deliver a letter to your door informing you if your home is impacted. We will also personally deliver a letter informing you when it has been lifted. While under a boil order, it is important to follow the CDC's guidelines, which can be found HERE. As always, feel free to call the Village of Mt. Zion with any questions.
Water/Sewer Rates & Policies
Will the Village discount my water/sewer bill when I fill my swimming pool or if I have a leak?
No, the Village of Mt. Zion buys its water from the City of Decatur. There are no discounts for leaks or for the filling of swimming pools. Also, the Village sends all waste water (sewage) to the Decatur Sanitary District. We are charged based on the amount of water we purchase from the City of Decatur. Therefore, the Village cannot give breaks (discounts) for leaks or the filling of swimming pools for the sewer portion of the bill.
New Resident Resources
How do I sign up to receive alerts, news, and other notices?
You can click HERE or on the "Subscribe" button located on the homepage. Simply fill out the brief form with your preferred contact information and click submit.
Where do I go to vote?
All Village elections are conducted by Macon County. Please click HERE to determine the location of where you vote.
DemographicsNow: Business & People
How do I obtain a password for DemographicsNow: Business & People?
In order to use DemographicsNow: Business & People, you must have a library card with the Mt. Zion Library District, Decatur Library or the Forsyth Library. Your library card number is your password.
If you do not have a library card, you can access the database by visiting either library. Each library also has trained staff to assist you with obtaining the information needed.