Village Clerk
The Village Clerk serves as the link between Village Council and citizens as well as between the Village Administrator and Village employees.
The office of Village Clerk for the Village of Mt. Zion provides clerical, record keeping and administrative functions to the Mayor and Village Board as well as the Village Administrator. In addition, this individual performs many tasks that assist in guiding and managing the operation of local government policy and law. Below are just a few of the responsibilities of Village Clerk.
- Acts as Clerk for the Village Board meetings and all other Village Commission meetings; attending such meetings and keeping minutes of said meetings making these minutes available as required by law
- Prepares and distributes council packets prior to the meetings containing agendas, and materials and documents for council consideration; issues notices of special meetings, records motions, resolutions, other enactments of records, maintains record of proceedings
- Shall record and properly keep council resolutions, ordinances, legal documents and licenses, affixes the corporate seal and notarizes documents
- Maintains permanent official records of ordinances, agreements, contracts, maintains files of these and insurance, motor fuel tax, construction, and bonding documents and material
- Maintains accurate records of all board members and commissioners contact information
- Acts as the Village’s FOIA officer
- Carries out the duties required by Election laws for Municipal elections including distribution of economic interest statements
- Supervises and maintains varied municipal licensing records, processes and controls licenses covering liquor, amusement devices and establishments, processes notifications and license renewals, issues permits
Contact Info
Dawn Reynolds
Village Clerk
1400 Mt. Zion Parkway
(217) 864-5424
[email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Mt. Zion require a raffle license?
Yes. Raffle License applications are available on our website as well as at the Village Hall. A one time raffle license fee of $30.00 is required per raffle. If more than one raffle will be conducted on the same day, the fee is $120.00
Where should Foreclosure Notices and Orders be sent?
Foreclosure notices and orders should be sent to Village of Mt. Zion, 1400 Mt. Zion Parkway, Mt. Zion, IL 62549.