Water Leak Information

The following shows the amount of water that can be lost for various size leaks.

A dripping leak consumes:
15 gal. per day
450 gal. per month

A 1/32 in. leak consumes:
264 gal. per day
7,920 gal. per month

A 1/16 in. leak consumes:
943 gal. per day
28,300 gal. per month / At 60psi, a 1/16″ hole leaks 74,000 gallons (9,850 cubic feet) in 3 months

A 1/8 in. leak consumes:
3,806 gal. per day
114,200 gal. per month / At 60psi, a 1/8″ hole leaks 296,000 gallons (39,400 cubic feet) in 3 months

A 1/4 in. leak consumes:
15,226 gal. per day
456,800 gal. per month / At 60 psi, a 1/4″ hole leaks 1,181,500 gallons (158,000cf) in 3 months

A 1/2 in. leak consumes:
60,900 gal. per day
1,827,000 gal. per month

Common Water Loss Examples:

  • Leaking Toilet @1/2 GPM = 21,600 gal/mo
  • Drip Irrigation @1 GPM = 43,200 gal/mo
  • Watering Garden for 2 hours @ 5 GPM = 18,000 gal/mo
  • Watering Garden for 2 hours @ 10 GPM = 36,000 gal/mo
  • Unattended Water Hose 1 night @10 GPM = 5,400 gal/mo
  • Broken Services Line 1 night @15 GPM = 8,100 gal
    • 1 day @15 GPM = 21,600 gal
    • 1 week @15 GPM = 151,200 gal
    • 1 month @ 15 GPM = 648,000 gal
  • Stuck Ice Maker @ 2GPM = 86,400 gal/mo
  • Stuck Check Valve in Washing Machine – 30 minutes = 240 gal
  • Stuck Float Valve in Watering Trough @ 5GPM = 216,000 gal/mo

Typical Normal Water Uses:

  • 1 Bath = 30 gal
  • 1 Shower = 17 gal
  • Washing Machine
    • Conventional style (built prior to 2011) = 40 gal/load
    • Newer style (built after 2011) = 14 gal/load
  • Flushing Toilet
    • Manufactured before 1950 = 7 gal
    • Manufactured 1950 - 1980 = 5 gal
    • Manufactured 1980 - 1994 = 3.5 - 4.5 gal
    • Manufactured 1994 - Present = 1 - 1.6 gal
  • Dishwasher
    • Conventional style = 7 -14 gal/load
    • Newer style = 4 - 7 gal/load
  • Hand washing dishes = 22.5 - 33 gal

If you believe that you may have a leak, please contact our office at (217) 864-5424.  Water Department personnel may be able to help assist you in determining if you have a leak by looking at your hourly usage report.  This report does not provide the location of the leak but can help to verify if there is a leak or just high consumption.

The Village of Mt. Zion does not give adjustments for water leaks.  The Village purchases its water from the City of Decatur and cannot adjust accounts for leaks.  The Village of Mt. Zion also pays the Decatur Sanitary District a monthly fee for disposal of all sanitary sewer, therefore no adjustment can be made on the sewer charges.

Visit the USEPA website HERE for tips on determining and resolving common leaks found in homes.

Contact Info

Dawn Reynolds
Village Clerk
1400 Mt. Zion Parkway
[email protected]