Recent News
The Village of Mt. Zion staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Sale of Surplus Equipment
The Village of Mt. Zion is selling surplus equipment through Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction Site. A link to those items can be found HERE
Recent Garbage Service Updates
In October 2024, the Village of Mt. Zion extended their exclusive franchise agreement with Waste Management to provide residential refuse, recycling and yard waste removal services for 2 additional years. Like any service, this extension included a rate increase for each year. The new rates were listed in the “Important Village News” section at the bottom of the water/sewer bills that were delivered in December 12/2024. The 2025 rate for garbage, recycling, and yard waste is $28.65 per month. This rate includes one 95-gallon refuse cart and one 65-gallon recycling cart. Additional carts are available for residents to rent for $3.50/month. Please contact Waste Management at 1-800-796-9696 if you would like to request additional carts.
Sale of Surplus Equipment
The Village of Mt. Zion is selling surplus equipment through Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction Site. A link to those items can be found HERE.
Lane Closure - Woodland Drive
The Mt. Zion Public Works Department will be repairing a watermain leak at the intersection of Woodland Drive and W. Roberts Drive on Friday, October 25, 2024. The southbound lane of Woodland Drive at the intersection of W. Roberts Drive will be closed until all repairs are complete. Please use caution while driving in the area or avoid the area if possible. If you have any questions, please contact Village Hall at 217-864-5424.
Water Service Install - Road Closure
The Mt. Zion Public Works Department will be installing a water service line at the intersection of S. Henderson Street and Britton Lane beginning Wednesday, October 2, 2024, and an anticipated ending date of Thursday, October 3, 2024. Due to the nature of the project, there will be temporary delays and/or closures of the roadway at this intersection. Please use caution while driving in the area or avoid the area if possible.
Road Construction Project - Bike Path, Powers Court, Southbrooke Drive
Weather permitting, Dunn Company will start construction on the first week of October 2024. The Project involves the following work:
Road Construction - Craycroft Subdivision *UPDATED*
Due to weather delays, Dunn Company will be starting road construction in the Craycroft Subdivision on Thursday, August 8, 2024. Please click HERE for more information.
Hydrant Flushing
The Mt. Zion Public Works Department will be flushing hydrants throughout the town over the next several weeks. Residents may experience discolored water and possibly lower than normal pressure. Please refer to our hydrant flushing FAQ for more information. Please do not hesitate to contact the Village of Mt. Zion if you have any questions, we can be reached at 217-864-5424.
Annual Macon County Emergency Alert & Notification System TEST - July 10th at 10:00 A.M.
July 3, 2024
Contact: Jon Thomas (217-424-1002 Ext. 203) or Jodi Becker (217-424-1002 Ext. 202)
Notice of Special Meeting - Monday, July 8, 2024 5:15 PM
Contact: Julie Miller, Village Administrator
1400 Mt. Zion Parkway
Mt. Zion, IL 62549
(217) 864-5424
[email protected]
Village Wide Roadway Assessment
The Village of Mt. Zion has partnered with Applied Pavement Technology to provide a roadway assessment throughout the Village of Mt. Zion. On July 1st, 2024, APT will be conducting their automated data collection with their specialized vehicle (pictured below). The data will be collected while maintaining normal traffic speeds and has very little impact on the flow of traffic. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Village Hall at 217-864-5424.
Oil and Chip - Various Roads
Dunn Company will be applying oil and chip on various roads throughout Mt. Zion starting Thursday, June 13th and anticipate finishing the project on Friday, June 14th. Please be aware there may be temporary delays when traveling through town and proceed with caution. Contact Village Hall at 217-864-5424 if you have any questions.
FREE Jersey - Brazilian United Soccer Camp
Make sure you register in time to snag a FREE jersey!
Sale of Surplus Equipment
The Village of Mt. Zion is selling surplus equipment through Wisconsin Surplus Online Auction Site. A link to those items can be found HERE.