Recent News
The Village of Mt. Zion staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Water Billing Notice - Delayed Delivery
The Village has been notified that our water/sewer bills have not been delivered by USPS within the normal time frame as in previous months. Bills were sent out on February 29th by our billing processor, but we have received confirmation from various residents that they are just now receiving their bills today, March 7th. Due to the delivery delay, the bill that was originally due on March 15th, is now due on March 20th. Penalties will be posted on March 21st. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Village Hall at 217-864-5424.
Road Closure - Sunset Drive
Dunn Company will be repairing Sunset Drive on Wednesday, November 1st. The road will be closed entirely from approximately 540 Sunset Drive through the intersection of Bell Street. We anticipate the road being opened back up on Thursday, November 2nd. Below is a screenshot highlighting the impacted area.
Trick-or-Treat Hours
Hours for Halloween trick-or-treating in the Village are 5 PM to 8 PM on October 31st. Parents are encouraged to accompany young children, especially after dark, and inspect all treats.
Hydrant Flushing
The Mt. Zion Public Works Department will be doing some routine hydrant flushing in the following areas of town:
Road Closures - East Side Sewer Relief Project
The Village of Mt. Zion’s contractor for the East Side Sewer Relief Project has notified us that they plan to start the project on August 14, 2023. Due to the tight constraints of the area, the contractor will have to close certain portions of the roadway to allow enough space for them to work. These roads will be closed to all thru traffic for approximately 3 weeks. Click HERE to see a screenshot of the highlighted closed portions of Bell Street, Bell Court, and Sunset Drive. The contractor will make accommodations for the impacted property owners to gain access to their homes during the closure, but thru traffic will not be allowed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Village Hall at 217-864-5424.
Update: Storm Debris Clean Up
The Mt. Zion Public Works Department will continue picking up storm debris until they have gone through the entire town. They now expect to finish going through the town by early next week. Please be patient as crews work their way through each neighborhood. Please call Village Hall at 217-864-5424 if you have any questions.
Storm Debris Clean Up
The Village of Mt. Zion will provide curbside pickup of storm debris (limbs, trees) on Wednesday, July 5th and Thursday, July 6th. Residents should place the storm debris at the curb at the edge of the road. Residents do not need to call in for the pickup, the Public Works Department will be going down every street in town. The Public Works Department will not enter private property to remove any debris. If you have any questions, please call Village Hall at 217-864-5424 or send us a message HERE.
Splash Pad Opening Delay
Due to an unforeseen issue with the concrete, the Fletcher Park Splash Pad will not open until Thursday, June 15th, 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience & appreciate your understanding!
Please continue to check our website & Facebook page for any updates & information!
Thank you!
[email protected]
(217) 864-5424
Billing Notice
Due to a timing issue for the meter swap-out program currently underway your bill may have been estimated this month. This issue should be resolved prior to the next billing cycle. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact Village Hall at 217-864-5424.
Water Meter Technology Upgrade
Starting January 5th, 2023, the Mt. Zion Public Works Department will be conducting a technology upgrade for all Village of Mt. Zion water meters. When the upgrade begins, residents can expect to see Public Works Employees working in their yard to access the water meter pit/exterior meter reading box (grey box attached to the house) or knocking on the door for indoor meters. These upgrades will not interrupt any service. Village Staff plans to conduct these upgrades during the hours of 7:00 am and 3:30 pm but will schedule after-hour appointments when necessary.
REMINDER: Trash Pickup Delay
REMINDER: Due to the holiday schedule, waste pickup is Friday, December 30th, 2022 and Friday, January 6th, 2023.
Sale of Surplus Equipment
The Village of Mt. Zion is selling surplus equipment using an online auction site. The items being sold can be found HERE. If you have any questions, please call 217-864-5424.