Recent News
The Village of Mt. Zion staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Safe Routes to School Survey
The Village of Mt. Zion is applying for a Safe Routes to School Grant. The area of focus for this round of grants is the West Main Street area between the Mt. Zion Grade School and McGaughey School. Please help us with our grant application by filling out the survey below and dropping it off at Village Hall no later than Friday, September 24th. Thank you for your assistance.
Garbage Service Pick up
This is a reminder that garbage service pick up will be on Friday, September 10th due to the holiday.
Hydrant Flushing
The Mt. Zion Pubic Works Department will be conducting hydrant flushing throughout the town starting today, August 30, and continuing through the end of the week. As a result of the line flushing process, residents in the immediate vicinity of the work may experience temporary discoloration of their water. This discoloration consists primarily of harmless silt and air and does not affect the safety of the water. If you experience discoloration in you water after crews have been flushing in your neighborhood, clear the pipes in your home by running all water faucets for a few minutes. Click HERE for a link to FAQs about hydrant flushing.
Hydrant Flushing
The Mt. Zion Fire Department will be conducting hydrant flushing throughout the town starting today, August 24, and continuing through the end of the week. As a result of the line flushing process, residents in the immediate vicinity of the work may experience temporary discoloration of their water. This discoloration consists primarily of harmless silt and air and does not affect the safety of the water. If you experience discoloration in you water after crews have been flushing in your neighborhood, clear the pipes in your home by running all water faucets for a few minutes. Click HERE for a link to FAQs about hydrant flushing.
Press Release - New Stop Signs at West Main Street and Broadway Street
In an effort to make it a safer intersection, the Village of Mt. Zion will be installing stop signs at the intersection of West Main Street and Broadway Street making the intersection an All-Way Stop (4-Way Stop). The stop signs will be completely installed and enforceable on Friday, August 20, 2021. Please use extreme caution while drivers are becoming acquainted with the new signs. Please observe the signs by coming to a full stop before proceeding in a safe manner.
Annual Macon County Emergency Alert & Notification System TEST
Contact: Jon Thomas (217-424-1002 Ext. 203) or Jodi Becker (217-424-1002 Ext. 202)
On Wednesday, July 14th at 11:00 A.M., the Macon County Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) will be conducting the annual emergency alert TEST using the Macon County Emergency Alert & Notification System.
Garbage Service Pick Up
This is a reminder that garbage pick up will be on Friday, July 9th due to the holiday weekend.
Boil Order Issued for a Portion of Mt. Zion Water Customers
Village of Mt. Zion Issues Boil Order
Sale of Surplus
The Village of Mt. Zion is selling surplus eqiupment via the online auction site Wisconsin Surplus. To see a list of items, click HERE. Auction ends at aproximatley 10 a.m. on 5/19/21.
Ameren Gas Pipeline Project
Ameren Illinois plans to upgrade a natural gas transmission pipeline located around the Woodland Drive area, near Goodwin Park. Weather permitting, the project plans to begin the week of May 3, 2021 with an anticipated end date of mid-August. As a result of the project, traffic may be restricted in the area so motorists should plan for lane closures until the project is complete. We are advising residents to use extreme caution while traveling in this area and observe the detour route provided by the proper signage. If you have any questions, please call Ameren Illinois at 1-618-578-5070.